Jul 19, 2010

I am out.

When love commits suicide.
The world is no more wide.

The kiss I put over your hand.
Was like a curse haunted your land.

The rose I gave to your life.
Is now bleeding as if thrust by a sharp knife.

The dreams you draw to release my fears.
Collapsed in an awful deep river of tears.

Now your departure will be a blessing.
For this kind of life you'll never be missing.

Now you got to save your heart.

and of your life you better wipe this part.

Sometime we just have to leave...!!!!!!!!

6 التعليقات:

Baskouta said...


Tarkieb said...

يالهوي امال فين الحب اللي كنت بقولك فيه من ده تقولي ايوة..سبحان الله حد حسدك يا بسكوتة...معلش ربنا معاكي بقى..
يارب يكون بس شعر ومش حفيقة ويخلى بسكوت ليكي او تتصالحو تاني

Baskouta said...

لا ده من وحي الخيال
حتى اللى كنت بتقولي هو فيه من ده
برضو من وحي الخيال
كله خياااااااااااال

اه موجود
only in my dreams.

Don't be upset.

promise is promise said...

some time we have to leave

the naked true

adel said...

u really think that !!! ???

i'm not

فاتيما said...

صباح الخير
يا بسكوتة قلبى
صباح المزيكا و الفرحة و السعادة

☺ ☼ ♥ ♪ ♫

و مساكى
وايامك كلها
دايما هنا
يا حبيبتى

و حضونات
كتيييير جدا