Sep 22, 2009


Because I love you , I will wait for tomorrow.
From your life I will strive to remove any sorrow.

Because I love you , I will forget all the sadness.
And in your life I will spread moments of happiness.

Because I love you , I will write your name in my heart.
And my name in yours , so that we can never get apart.
Because I love you, I will tightly hold your hand.
Telling you" Never let go... Never leave my land".

Because I love you ,I will do my best for this love to stay.
For this tie between you and me to find its own way.

Because I love you , I will keep saying " I love U ".
And I hope you will keep saying it too.... I LOVE YOU


8 التعليقات:

VÖltaa said...

Because I love you , I will forget all the sadness.
And in your life I will spread moments of happiness.

really EXTREMELY powerful and emotional words

you are speaking with my tong :D

you got the talent too :D

VÖltaa said...

"You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" "

that is a NICE one :D

Baskouta said...

Thanks Mohammed... Sweet words from a sweet person.

Anonymous said...

كلام جميييييييييييييل ورقيق ومعبر جداً

كل سنة وانت طيبة وبخير وصحة وسعادة وعيد سعيد عليكي انت والأسرة الكريمة والمسلمين جميعاً يا رب

- في الحقيقة يا فندم انا في شدة الاحراج من حضرتك سهوا وبدون قصد والله تم حذف تعليق حضرتك فبدل ما اضغط نشر ضغطت رفض وهو الأمر اللي أشعرني بضيق شديد
أرجوكي تقبلي إعتذاري وسلامي أنا ورحيل
وعيد سعيد

Baskouta said...

اولا منورني والله انا مبسوطة جدا بالزيارة الجميلة دي
ثانيا كل سنة وانت ورحيل بالف خير
ثالثا ولا يهمك من مسالة رفض التعليق... ومش مستاهلة اعتذار منك ومن رحيل انا مش قد الاهتمام الجامد ده
ميرسي بجد لاهتمامكم ولزيارتكم الجميلة دي
اتمنى تنوروني على طول

اه على فكرة انا مبسوطة ان القصيدة عجبتكم
ميرسي كتيييييييير

The illusionist said...

yo yo yo
hi baskota
at the same day
what a good effort
i want to ask
did you write this by your self ?
really impressive
really nice
really romantic
really you are a gifted person
i respect your talent

Because I love you, I will tightly hold you hand.
Telling you" Never let go... Never leave my land"

i like this part
so romantic

Baskouta said...

Hello Mr.Illusionist,
Thank you for the nice words...And Yes I wrote this by myself ...Every thing here in this blog is written by me.
I started writing poetry in my Seventeenth.
I also studied English , American Poetry and I enjoyed this art so much.
I am so much delighted that you liked my poem.
Thanks for your opinion and for your comment.
Regards my friend.

Mano said...
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